Monday, April 15, 2019

GLUTEN-FREE Sugar Cookies

Let's be personal for just a moment... this original recipe was a labor of LOVE!  It took nearly 10 years to find!  We went through  A  LOT - (A  WHOLE  LOT!) of sugar cookie recipes before finding one that my handsome man loved.  

Then, I had the task of wrapping my head around making it gluten-free. 

Without further procrastination, (it has been a "draft" since December 2017...) I give you:  Bret Sr.’s Favorite Sugar Cookie

(Your recipe for your recipe... )

3 cups Bob's Red Mill -  RICE FLOUR
1 1/2 cups Bob's Red Mill -  TAPIOCA FLOUR
3/4 cup Bob's Red Mill -  POTATO STARCH
1 heaping Tablespoon Bob's Red Mill -  XANTHAN GUM
1/2 Tablespoon sea salt 

Mix throughly - keep in an air tight container or fridge.
(Note: When using in a recipe as a wheat flour substitute - OMIT up to 1 teaspoon salt.)

1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
1 ½ cups sugar

1 egg
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla
½ teaspoon almond extract

3  cups Gluten-FREE flour mixture
1 teaspoon baking powder

Preheat oven to 375 F.  

In a mixing bowl, cream butter with sugar with a hand mixer (or a Kitchen Aid) mixer until combined.  

Once combined, beat sugar and butter on HIGH for 10-12 minutes until light and fluffy.

Beat in egg and extracts.  

In separate bowl, mix flour, and baking powder; add to butter mixture 1 cup at a time and mixing in completely after each addition.  


Divide dough into two balls.  

On your counter sprinkle an Tablespoon or two of the gluten-free flour mixture to roll out each ball ¼ inch thick - one at a time.  

Monitor your use of the cookie dough.  
Do not roll out and cut more than 3 times.  
TOSS whatever is left over after rolling it out 3 times.  
(WARNING:  your cookies will be nasty… Don’t be tempted to roll out more than 3 times.)

Dip cookie cutter in flour before each use.  

Bake cookies on a baking sheet with parchment paper for 10-12 minutes or until cookies are just barely, barely brown.  

DO NOT transfer them to a cooling rack immediately.  
Let sit on baking sheet for 2-3 minutes before transferring.  
Lift parchment paper gently on opposite corners and let cool completely before icing.

NOTES AND TIPS:  I use what’s left as a lump cookie with pretty sugar sprinkled on top instead of rolling out into another shape.

If you want to skip icing just sprinkle your cookies with colored or large granulated sugar before baking!  Skipping the icing makes these cookies incredibly fast since there is NO CHILL TIME... (HECK YES!)

Sugar Cookie Icing:

When sugar cookies are baked and cooled make the following in desired colors.  I usually make 3 or 4 to accommodate the number of cookies made.  I use fairly large cookie cutters.  For smaller cookies, more icing will be needed.

For each color:

1 cup powder sugar
2 teaspoons milk
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
¼ teaspoon almond extract
food coloring

In a small bowl, stir together powder sugar and milk until smooth.  

Beat in corn syrup and almond extract until icing is smooth and glossy.  

If icing is too thick, add more corn syrup.  

Add food coloring until desired color is achieved.  

Use the back of a spoon to distribute icing and then to paint sugar cookies.

You are using a white rice-based flour...
Be careful to note that the cookies will remain extremely
WHITE and you will over-cook and/or burn your
cookies if you are waiting for a
"light-golden brown" color on top.

...It's never gonna happen! 

I realized when Payton made these on her own
(to give out to her friends! So cute...)
that there needed to be a visual
on how thick the cookies need to be!

And a  1/4  INCH  is pretty thick guys...

I have squished enough of these over the years
to know what it "feels" like when the right thickness.
But here's something for y'all to LOOK at.  :0)

The fastest way to make these sugar cookies is to
squish a ball of cookie dough out to a  1/4 inch thick,
cut a shape with a cookie-cutter within the circle,
finish off your cookies with some colored sugar
before baking and then BAKE.

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