Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Baking with Natural Yeast - Sweet and Savory Crepes


Ode To The Leftovers:

When holidays come and go,
the refrigerator over-flows.

Left-overs become a take-over;
what is needed is a hostage negotiator!

Ham, eggs, yogurt, and berries that were on sale,
ALL the things TOGETHER seem like a fail...

But oh, "hallelujah!" I have to say -
Crepes come in to save the day!

With a savory and a sweet; 
(This for dinner???)  YUP! It can't be beat.

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Baking with Natural Yeast 
- Sweet and Savory Crepes -

Layer in a blender:
2 cups Natural Yeast Starter
1/4 cup butter, softened 
1/2 cup sugar
6 eggs

BLEND, then add:
1 cup milk

BLEND, then add:
1/2 cup flour (gluten free OR unbleached wheat)

Divide ALL blended ingredients evenly into 2 medium mixing bowls.

In one medium bowl stir in 1 teaspoon coarse black pepper.

In the other medium bowl stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla. (Mexican vanilla preferred).

Optional  Substitutes:

vegetable oil     - SUB in for: butter
almond milk     - SUB in for: milk

Crepes require undivided attention!

Using a cooking spray and several frying pans (sizes medium to large) cook 1/4 - 1/3 cup of batter at a time. 
Cook both sides until barely a golden brown; and spray your pan in between crepes so that they do not stick.  

Stack cooked crepes on a plate with pieces of parchment paper in between each one to keep from sticking.  

Keep making crepes until all the batter is gone.

Keep your Savory Crepes and Sweet Crepes on separate plates!  (Coarse pepper is not delightful with yogurt and fruit compote in my opinion...)

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I have converted from frypans to a flat cast-iron specifically for crepes to make these... I won't lie. I have ONE and need at least one or two more to make this process blissful.  :0)  That said, a regular frypan will do!  

I like to use a swirl of olive oil for the first crepe on my frypans to set them up to not stick for the remaining ones. I know the crepes stick because I send my All-Clad through the dishwasher instead of hand-washing. The olive oil fixes all of that.

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Savory Crepe Ideas:

leftover rib meat

leftover brisket

leftover prime rib (if there ever is any...)


cooked sausage

breakfast sausage

WITH Ideas:

scrambled eggs


leftover baked potato chunks 

grated cheese (pepper jack is a favorite)

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Sweet Crepe Ideas:

sliced bananas
Nutella spread

fresh fruit
fruit compote
Greek vanilla or Honey Yogurt

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Berry Compote:

1/2 cup sugar
2 cups berries (fresh or frozen)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 Tablespoon butter (optional)
1 cup water
2 Tablespoons cornstarch

In a medium saucepan combine sugar, berries, lemon juice and butter (if using butter...).  

Bring to a simmer.

In a small bowl combine water and cornstarch.

Slowly add to the saucepan and stir well to combine. 

Continue stirring while mixture simmers.

Cook until thick.

Remove from heat and serve with sweet crepes and vanilla Greek yogurt or honey Greek yogurt.

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