Sunday, December 13, 2020

“Freezer Bank” SOUP and CHILI Storage

One of my favorite and most useful items in my home is an extra freezer.  I can store ready to eat food items for when I head out of town - or for when I get myself into a schedule crisis and don't have time to make a dinner.  ...It helps me keep my family eating healthy in a pinch!  

My mom always refers to it as  "freezer bank" storage.  This blog post will address SOUP and CHILI to make your "freezer bank" deposits -  BONUS  FOR  Y'ALL  AT  THE  END  OF  THIS  BLOG  POST:  there are links to recipes!   


How do you get started???   


Any time you make a soup or a chili - and after you've had your dinner - use the leftover remainder NOT as leftovers, but as a "freezer bank" deposit.

Purchase and have at the ready FREEZER quart or gallon ziplock bags.

Make sure the soup or chili has cooled completely.

Keep a small box that can fit in your freezer easily and can shape your soup or chili into a stackable, easily storable shape 

Fill up your FREEZER quart or gallon ziplock - leaving enough space (2-3 inches) for the food to expand with the freezing process.   (...otherwise you may have an exploding freezer bag!)

Get your bags squished and shaped into the box you've saved and shove into your freezer.


Then use when needed.  



Typically with chili  -  I add an extra can of chili beans to a chili I am reheating after being frozen.

Typically with soup  -  I need to add 1 or 2 cups of water and a slight addition of original seasonings - especially salt and pepper.

The bonus of having these "freezer bank" deposits is that they can be easily shared with individuals or families when there's a need in your community and social sphere.  

Also, as my kids have gotten older (and began to consume ridiculous amounts of food!) I started to noticed a huge lack in my freezer bank since I didn't end up having ANY leftovers to freeze!!!  I find myself doubling the recipes that I know I want to have in my "freezer bank".  It's the easiest way to have a pre-made healthy dinner to share.

Be sure to label what you are freezing
along with a date!

Keep a small box that can fit in your freezer 
easily and can shape your soup or chili into 
a stackable, easily storable shape 

Fill up your FREEZER quart or gallon ziplock 
- leaving enough space (2-3 inches) 
for the food to expand with the freezing process.   
(...otherwise you may have an exploding freezer bag!)

Get your bags squished and shaped into 
the box you've saved and shove into your freezer.

I love this box!!!  It perfectly fits 4 quart size bags 
(or 2 and a space-cheating yogurt container...)
or 2 gallon size ziplocks!  So awesome.

Once completely frozen, transfer to a freezer
drawer or space where you can keep track
of what you've got... and notice when you
might be running low on your
"freezer bank" deposits!

Keep your oldest items towards the front
of your freezer drawer and the newest items
towards the back.

- that way you're using the oldest soup/chili first 
and keeping things rotated and accounted for!

CLICK  LINK  FOR:   Creamy White Bean and Potato SOUP


CLICK  LINK  FOR:   12 Bean and Sausage SOUP

CLICK  LINK  FOR:   Ham and Lentil SOUP

CLICK  LINK  FOR:   Red Chili

CLICK  LINK  FOR:   Dave's Camping Chili

CLICK  LINK  FOR:   BBQ Chicken Chili


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