Friday, October 28, 2022

GREEN Smoothie - Berry/Banana

The best part of this photo is the
curly kale just behind the jar of
"GREEN" smoothie. 

(NOTE: I am not color blind...
all my smoothies that have
kale or spinach as 1/2 the content
get the "GREEN" label.) 

 The kale is the best part because it is from a collection of 3 kale plants in the backyard garden that have been producing for more than 12 months now!  AMAZING gardening feat by the Handsome Bret Sr. - amazing because usually kale will produce through May and then die off at the beginning of the Houston HOTTER-than-hell months. Here we are in October and they're still going...

If you have a commercial grade blender - layer in this order and blend until throughly mixed.  Keep an extra 1/2 cup of water nearby if mix is too thick to finish blending. 

If you do not have a commercial grade blender, still blend in this order and throughly mix one layer at a time instead of mixing all at once. 

2  cups water 

4  cups washed kales leaves and stems
4 cups washed spinach leaves

1/4  cup ground flaxseed 

2-4 Tablespoons honey

1-2 room temperature (naked) bananas

2 frozen (naked) bananas

2  cups frozen mango pieces, grapes, strawberries or cherries 

2  cups frozen blueberries

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