Friday, May 22, 2015

Lemon - GARLIC - Grilled Pork


I'm sharing something I've never written down, so listen up...

I honestly cannot tell you who's recipe this is.  (Greg's or Tasha's)  However, I do know when and where I had it for the first time:  after church, the Schroeder's house. 

I can confirm that notes were passed back and forth to verify ingredients during church (but AFTER the sacrament was passed...)  :O)  to convey dinner plans.  Which was pretty much the Sunday scenario for three years in a row AT LEAST every other Sunday.  I don't know what year it was, but I don't think there was a Miss Bret Annalese yet, so around 8 years ago. ??? Yeah.  Pretty sure... 

(Note to Schroeder's: Those Sundays evenings filled with dinner, kids, and everything-in-between are thought of often and missed!)  :O)  xoxox  Bret Sr., Jo and Davis Parade

"Give a Mouse a Cookie" storyline for Lemon - GARLIC - Grilled Pork:
This is one of those recipes where you make it ALL the time - and then have to take a break - and then you forget how easy and WONDERFUL it is...  AND THEN...  pork shoulder or pork loin goes on sale...  and thinking of things to use up the 20 or so pounds of pork you've bought you REMEMBER  THIS  RECIPE...  and then you make it...  and wonder why it every left your dinner rotation!  

This exact storyline happened a few weeks ago in my kitchen.  

As I went through the process of making this recipe for my family, I actually measured and I wrote down amounts of ingredients that I normally just eyeball.  I had gone looking through my hand-written-on-the-back-of-a-Schroeder-Twin Falls-utility bill-envelope for this recipe and realized I'd never written anything down.  THIS IS THE FIRST OFFICIAL SHARING.  :O)  love y'all!!! 

AND YES... it is that easy.  My brain can remember this recipe without too much effort!  (Plus it helps to make it a lot.)

So thank you Schroeder's... please fight over credit for this one and let me know who's it was first.  :O)

What You'll Need:    

1/2 hour to 4 hours to marinate

4 lbs.  Pork Shoulder or Pork Loin
2 REAL lemons - not bottle lemon juice (don't try to cheat)
1 bundle of garlic - pressed or minced
2 teaspoons garlic salt
3 Tablespoons oregano
1/4 cup and 2 Tablespoons olive oil

foil - 6 square pieces 

1-2   loaves natural yeast bread or French Bread from a store bakery

Sanitarily (WOOOOO... yes.  That is a word.  Didn't make it up!)

Okay, sanitarily ;0) cut up your pork shoulder or loin and trim off any large pieces of fat.  Cut your meat into nearly bite-size pieces.  Note: Pork loin is defiantly easier to cut into cubes, but usually needs a bit more time to marinate and is not as tender.

Half your lemons and juice completely.  Add lemon juice of both lemons to pork and stir.

Add remaining ingredients to your bowl of meat.  Stir until combine well.  Let sit and marinate in the fridge for a minimum of a 1/2 hour for pork shoulder, and a minimum of an hour for pork loin.

When you're ready to get dinner on the grill, pre-heat your grill on med-high for 10 minutes.

Here's your project for the 10 minute pre-heat wait:
Take 2 of your square foil pieces and fold both layers together rolling the sides up to form a bowl.  Repeat using 2 square foil pieces at a time until you have 3 foil "bowls".

When your grill and foil bowls are ready, haul everything out to your grill and put your EMPTY foil bowls on the grill.  Place the foil bowls close together on the grill, and divide the meat evenly between the 3 bowls.  Make sure all the meat is touching the foil and NOT stacked.  

Shut your grill lid and leave the meat alone for 7-8 minutes.  

Stir meat around, basically gently pushing the meat around so that you do not puncture your foil bowls.  :0/

Note: You want the marinate for your French or Natural Yeast bread you've waiting to eat with your meat!!!  You do not want a hole in a foil bowl and loose all that amazingness... Plus, you need it for stove re-heating if there are any left-overs.  Can't guarantee leftovers...

After GENTLY stirring... pushing meat around... Shut your grill lid again and leave the meat alone for 7-8 minutes.  

Meat is done when you can cut it in half with a fork and a pieces are slightly brown around the edges.

Remove foil bowls from the grill as best you can without losing any marinade it has cooked in and stack them together into a serving platter or large bowl.  (Using grill tongs to pinch the edges together, and then lifting one at a time off the grill works best for me.)

VERY  IMPORTANT  LAST  STEP:   Let your meat rest in the foil for 10 minutes.

I serve this lemon GARLIC pork with bread - the cooked marinate is amazing... dip into it with some French or Natural Yeast bread... HEAVEN!!!  

Serve this dinner with green salad, and a seasonal fruit... or just have a green smoothie and call it good for both fruit and veggie!  Love this for a summer dinner, it's as easy soup and everyone is grateful I'm NOT serving soup on a 95 degree day of sun and humidity!  :0)


If... (sarcastic laughing cued here...) you end up with leftovers, DO NOT REFRIGERATE IN THE FOIL.  Keep until left-over night in the fridge without the foil.  


Stove top with a pan on low, lid on.   OR   Crock-Pot on LOW 2-3 hours.  

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